Your Open Access Repository for Research & Preprints Open Access Repository & Preprint is an open access repository that allows researchers to archive and share their scholarly work. While open access can be beneficial, there are some considerations to keep in mind before using

OpenRGate adheres to standards like OAI-PMH for seamless interoperability with scholarly databases, maximizing content discoverability. The platform offers a user-friendly interface for effortless submission and advanced search capabilities, while rich metadata enhances visibility and citation impact. Committed to preservation and sustainability, OpenRGate ensures long-term access to valuable research.

OpenRGate Journal Finder offers comprehensive information on Open Access Journals, including detailed profiles and data for each journal. Additionally, OpenRGate provides the OR Impact Factor, a metric designed to assess the influence and reach of journals in the open access publishing landscape.

While offering valuable resources, it's essential to consider the potential limitations of self-reported data and the evolving nature of journal impact assessment when utilizing the OR Impact Factor.

Here's what offers:

  •  Free Archiving: You can deposit your research articles, pre-prints, conference papers, and other scholarly works.
  •  Increased Visibility: Your work becomes discoverable online, potentially reaching a wider audience.
  •  Impact factor for Journal: OpenRGate Provides OR Impact Factor for Journal. This metric, exclusive to OpenRGATE, assesses a journal's influence and reach within the open access publishing landscape.
  •  Journal discovery: Find Peer Review Scholary journal for publication with OR impact factor evaluated by OpenRGate. Identify suitable outlets based on journal metrics and align your research with high-impact platforms.